Alta is well arranged for those who want an active holiday. Around the city you will find the city trail, which suits well for both pedestrians, cyclists and, in winter, skiers.
First of all, what is the city trail? Byløypa is a hiking and skiing trail through central parts of Alta. The trail runs from Tverrelvdalen in the east, via Sandfallet Komsa near the center to Eiby in the west. In summer, the track is excellent for walking and cycling, while in winter the tracks are prepared for skiing. The city trail largely follows gravel road walking paths, but in residential areas it crosses paved roads. The whole trip is about 20 kilometers.
Ski trails
In winter, the city trail is transformed into ski tracks and you can get a real tour of Alta. During the winter, ski tracks run through Alta and on Sarves. Here you will find an overview of the ski slopes both in Alta and up on Sarves.

In the centre, close to the Northern Lights Cathedral, you will also find Nordlysbadet. Here there is something for every taste with, among other things, a swimming pool, activity pool, water slide, trample and whirlpool. Nordlysbadet is open every day, with morning swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please note that opening hours may change on public holidays. In addition, the Actic fitness center is also located adjacent to the Nordlysbadet, where it is possible to train at a drop-in during staffed opening hours.
Golf in beautiful surroundings at Kvenvikmoen
Alta Golfpark is ideally located at Kvenvikmoen outside the center of Alta. Here you will find a 9-hole course with 4 different tees on each hole, a short-hole course with 6 holes, a driving range and a putting course. Here you can also play mini golf, soccer golf and Frisbee golf. In principle, the track has no opening hours and can be used around the clock. How about a round of mini golf under the midnight sun?

Hiking in Alta
Alta municipality puts a lot of effort into improving public health in the municipality and one of the initiatives is Alta 3-peaks and 10-peaks The three mountain peaks Komsa, Hjemmeluft and Lille Raipas are part of the 3-peaks. During Environment Week (early June) the aim is for as many people as possible to climb these three peaks and by stamping on all the peaks you get a t-shirt.

10-peaks are organized over a longer period, from around 10 June to 15 October. Books will be posted on all the peaks and prizes will be drawn among those who have entered the book per peak as well as a prize among those who have climbed all the peaks. Here you will find more information about the 10 peaks as well as tour descriptions of all the mountain peaks.
In the municipality of Alta, there are a total of 28 perleturer (gem hikes) of varying degrees of difficulty. All tours have a separate code that is registered at Perletur is an initiative from Finnmark’s Outdoor Recreation Council and is quite simply outdoor life and public health in a beautiful combination. Many of the tours are also accessible for wheelchairs and prams. There are perleturer in all municipalities in Finnmark.
Biking is part of our DNA
Alta as a city is very keen on biking and that is perhaps not so surprising. In July, Offroad Finnmark is arranged which consists of several rides. Three of Norway’s toughest and longest mountain bike races, and one of them is the world’s longest and toughest mountain bike race. But of course there are biking trails and tours to suit every taste as well. Here we have collected more information about bike tours in Alta.